
Photo by cheekylorns/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by cheekylorns/iStock / Getty Images


Psychotherapy provides the frame and the Therapist the relationship to support the exploration and expression of oneself, needs and goals. Through our time together we tend to the parts of you that feel sticky, wounded or stuck. We work towards the awareness of those limitations. We collaboratively adapt new affirmative thoughts and behaviors, to encourage your authenticity.  These new insights give rise to self esteem, compassion, fulfilling relationships and the embodied sense of joy in your life.

Individual Therapy | Session Length: 50 minutes | Fee per session: $160

Couples Therapy holds the tenets of self inquiry and at the cornerstone is the vulnerability of our hearts. The Couple learns to individually build their emotional and somatic vocabulary in order to communicate themselves more fully.  They then learn to compassionately attune to their partner/s perspective/s and share personal responses.  Couples Therapy does not assure the relationship.  We strive to create an environment of deeper connection. This has the potential to illuminate what was dynamically obscured. While actively repairing emotional wounds and celebrating triumphs. This transformative process can ignite an aliveness in the relationship.

Couples Therapy | Session Length: 50 -75 minutes | Fee per session: $200 - $300

Two sliding scale openings for both Individual and Couples work are available.

Please contact me for more information.

INSURANCE: While I do not participate in insurance panels, I am happy to provide you with a monthly receipt for services.  These may be provided as a means to seek reimbursement from your insurance company, health savings account (HSA), or flexible spending account (FSA). It is your responsibility to understand the degree to which you are awarded reimbursement.